We end the year with Post-of-the-Blogger’s-Choice. One day, in American Lit, we were talking candles and churches and candles lit in churches, and Jess had a recollection of being a child in church witnessing the extinguishing of candles. And, she remembers being overcome by sadness at the sight. On the spot, she penned this beautiful poem. She shares it with us.
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By Junior Jessica Billimore
Once again they put out the candles,
And with that they rob me of my hope,
They steal the fire from my eyes,
Yet I’m still blinded by the forspoken lies,
My heart you cannot mend, I ask is this the end?
And with that my dreams disappear,
I am in dismay for what can I say?
My thoughts are dark,
So bring light to my life,
Now I’m alone,
This loss I can’t condone,
Yearning for a love I secretly loathe,
Burning is my soul,
Until next time my life will be dull,
So set me on fire,
For the light makes me a liar,
So I ask you to ignite me forevermore.