Many people put traveling on their bucket lists, but oftentimes we don’t know why. Read more to find out why Evan is so passionate about traveling and why you should travel as well.
By Evan Spry
Because of the insane world events that have transpired in the last five years, I became interested in geopolitics. Thus, I want to travel the world. I want to travel because I want to learn about different cultures around the world and how the cultures influence each other. I guess you could say that traveling is on my bucket list.

At first, I thought that I should be an investigative journalist/reporter that does stories abroad. But I soon realized that this was much harder than it sounds and especially difficult in current times, economically. I still think it would be an awesome job because I have always loved writing about things and having the experience of raw exploration. This desire for exploration stemmed from my commitment to the Indiana Jones movie series. I was hypnotized by the energy of the action and adventure, and I also adored the historical and cultural circumstances that were involved. If I could, I would be a modern-day Indiana Jones. However, I’m not saying that my series wouldn’t be one short and relatively dull episode. Anyways, I do want to travel, I’m just not promising that I’m gonna take out Nazi armies while I’m at it, although I wouldn’t turn down the opportunity.
I know, though, that traveling is important for me because it pushes me out of my comfort zone while making good memories. I also want to be involved in politics in the future, and I don’t want to fit into any stereotype of an oblivious American that has never been out of the country. I think being well-travelled teaches you a lot about the world and how it works, and I want to know these things! Unfortunately, due to COVID-19, I can’t really travel anywhere safely. I think I will instead get more in-touch with my nature/wilderness side and go camping or something. Somewhere not here, but not too far away. That kind of experience of camping and moving around in mother nature gives me similar fulfilments to traveling and seeing new parts of the world.
All in all, I need to travel, see Africa, Europe, the Middle East, anywhere. I need to do this because there is definitely something about it that fulfills my soul. You will learn that the popular media may misrepresent a certain group or area for the worse, and the people you encounter there are really not as bad as you’ve been told. Now, I’m not saying that it would be wise to go hiking in the tribal areas of Afghanistan, but you should go out and try to meet people of different cultures to gain an understanding of a perspective that you may, personally, never have encountered. Therefore, traveling the world and experiencing different cultures is at the top of my bucket list.
Bucket List Editor: Sara Habibipour