–by Zhenzhou Hu
Blog Reporter Zhenzhou (Hugh) Hu interviewed Coach Mark Zalin about the objectives and practices of the Cross Training Elective. Upper-School Cross Training meets four days a week in the back of the gym beneath the open rear door. If you hear grunts, music, and the clang of metal, it’s Cross Training. Hugh begins . . .
Last year was a hard year for me. CrossFit was seventh period, and AP Physics was right after CrossFit. I took both classes and sometimes needed to take an AP Physics test after working out–sweaty, tired, unfocused. However, I liked CrossFit and learned a lot of skills last year from Coach Smith. I learned the proper technique to lifting free weights. I learned to jump rope quickly. I grew a little bit more muscular, and I increased my heart rate. This year, I came back to Cross Training. This year we have a new coach, Coach Mark Zalin. I asked him a couple questions so we could get to know him.

Sophomore Anthony Bross is challenging himself to lift a little more a little heavier each day.
Zhenzhou Hu: Hi, Coach! I am one of the school bloggers, and I want to interview you. First of all, can you introduce yourself a little bit?
Coach Mark: I am a career independent school teacher, coach, and athletic administrator. I am thrilled to be at Palm Valley School and thoroughly enjoy working with the faculty, staff, and the student body in all areas of the school.

Sophomores Hunter Day and Christian Sadler stretch out with each other before daily workout.
Zhenzhou Hu: This is your first year in Palm Valley School. Can you tell us how you teach students in Cross Training and how it’s going?
Coach Mark: The students who are taking the class are becoming bigger, faster, and stronger as the semester progresses. They lift weights daily on a set program that emphasizes two major body parts a day, do cardio-fitness exercise daily, and do abdominal work daily. The students’ willingness to train and dedication to technique have paid dividends both in and out of class.
Zhenzhou Hu: Thank you!
–Edited by Gaige Griffin

Seniors Colin Wessman and Mason Taylor complete the Workout of the Day.