April 28 was Poem in Your Pocket Day and one of our favorite events during April’s National Poetry Month when millions of people throughout the United States carry poems in their pockets and share them with others.
Ms. Zachik and her English classes celebrated Poem in Your Pocket Day! with extra credit and poems being unfolded from pockets all day long. Notable Poems in Pockets were as follows:
“Haiku Ambulance,” pocketed by sophomore Nick Kaufmann–
Haiku Ambulance
— by Richard Brautigan
A piece of green pepper
off the wooden salad bowl:
so what?
“Mirror Piece,” pocketed by sophomore Shasta Stone–
— y.o. (1964)
Instead of obtaining a mirror,
obtain a person.
Look into him.
Use different people.
Old, young, fat, small, etc.
And, “An old silent pond . . . ,” pocketed by junior Trey Lucatero–
— Matsuo Bashō
An old silent pond…
A frog jumps into the pond,
splash! Silence again.