By 7th-Grade Poet Morgan Richardson
When wondering how to describe our recent Valentine’s Day, I turned to my classmates for a fresh opinion. I struggled with how to put Valentine’s day/love into one word? Many of the responses were negative and spoke of things such as “Jealousy,” and “Materialistism” ; everyone had a different viewpoint. As I went on interviewing, I kept asking myself the same question: How do you talk about love in one word? I came to the conclusion that Valentine’s Day is celebratory despite what others say. It’s not negative. These poems are inspired by the many opinions and views shared with me on the subject of Valentine’s Day.
People say it’s an illusion,
Short time comfort
Filled with jealousy and envy.
Others say it’s materialistic:
Chocolates and candies,
Red roses and jellycat stuffies,
Store bought cards and flowers.
But I think it’s more than that:
A saving grace
Filled with poetic words,
Showing love to the people who matter.
The meaning of happiness, joy and heartbreak.
Cupid’s arrow shot right through my heart,
Blushing and butterflies that’s just the start.
The size of my heart has gone off the charts.
The hair, the face, the voice speak to me like art.
Sweet at first then it’s all tart.
Now it all restarts.
I found someone just my type.
My heart flies like a kite.
This might be the one I really do like.
But there’s a small dislike, tiny and slight;
I know someone better who doesn’t nail-bite.
This one’s not screwed on quite right.
Each one after the next,
None of them passed my test.
I fear it’s time to reflect.
All this time I’ve spent
Too many regrets.
Now I’ll settle down,
If I can find someone I won’t repent.
Gosh I enjoyed this immensely!