A Survey Conducted by Soleil Antle
Valentine’s Day is a special time once in a year to celebrate yourself, family and friends, no matter how far. On this day the air is filled with the magic of joy and appreciation as people send gifts and sweet messages of affection to their loved ones across the globe. Curious about Valentine’s Day celebrations close to home, seventh-grade blogger Soleil Antle asked the Palm Valley School faculty to describe their perfect Valentine’s Day.
Ms. Patino from the Upper-School Office has a confident response!
Soleil: What is your perfect Valentine’s Day laid out?
Ms. Patino: Spend a day in Japan, exploring the city, and eating some Japanese food. Ending the day with my favorite donut (mochi donut) from Mr. Donut.
Soleil: What gift would you want?
Ms. Patino: Pink roses, and a Nintendo Switch.
A short and sweet response from PVS Bookkeeper Alice Burkholder!
Soleil: What would you like to do on Valentine’s Day?
Alice Burkholder: I would like a massage and a nice dinner.
Soleil: What is your dream gift?
Alice Burkholder: A fully paid expense trip to Italy.
A thoughtful reply from History teacher Mr. Satterfield.
Soleil: What is your ideal Valentine’s Day?
Mr. Satterfield: I’d go on a nice walk with my wife and my dog, and we would go to our favorite restaurant, Talay Thai. Then we would go back home and watch a movie.
French teacher Ms. Brady has a great response!
Soleil: What would you like to do on Valentine’s Day?
Ms. Brady: I’d like to have my nails done and get a facial, then get a new outfit at Bloomingdales (with new shoes). Then I want a candlelit dinner in a really nice restaurant, with crème brûlée for dessert.
Soleil: What about the perfect gift?
Ms. Brady: An all-expense paid vacation to Paris, first class tickets. Hotel stay at the Georges V!
Ms. Maguire gives a humble response.
Soleil: What is your perfect Valentine’s Day laid out?
Ms. Maguire: I would come to school in Valentine’s Day clothes and get free ice cream from Handels.
Soleil: What gift would you want?
Ms. Maguire: Somebody else makes my dinner and it tastes delicious and I don’t have to clean dishes.
Mrs. Fisher answers fiercely!
Soleil: What would be your perfect Valentine’s Day?
Mrs. Fisher: My perfect Valentine’s Day would be a really delicious meal, in a romantic setting after having spent the day with my husband either golfing or having a massage. Then capping it off with a nice meal.
Mr. Killeen gives a lengthy response.
Soleil: How would you spend your Valentine’s Day?
Mr. Killeen: Get up early, and I mean real early before the sun rises. Then get in the car, get out to a trail, not just any trail though–one with a crazy view with either a waterfall-ending or a mountain-view ending. Hike up for an hour in the dark, stop for a cup of coffee, which I make over a small camp stove while watching the sun rise. Continue up the mountain till you reach the end. Have a wonderful picnic dinner there, with a hiking buddy. Camp overnight with companions. Then hike down the next day.
Soleil: The best gift would be?
Mr. Killeen: The best gift would be to travel to Patagonia/Iceland with friends.
These are very thorough answers from our Palm Valley School faculty, quite the variety. As I interviewed people, I have learned just how unrealistic these dreamed-of days are, but it’s all about the imagination. Whether you’re on a vacation in Paris or enjoying a massage, you are spending time with those special people. “Love does not begin and end the way we seem to think it does. Love is a battle, love is a war; love is growing up.” James Baldwin
–Soleil Antle
What about you, Soleil? What would be your perfect Valentine’s day?
I do love Ms. Maguire’s perfect day!