By 8th-Grader Jack Edelstein
To be honest with you, there are a lot of things that people do that just irritate me. The things they do are not really serious but just so annoying that it’s like, “Really?!” An example of this is when people don’t move in the middle-school HALLWAYS (you know who you are). People have things to do, places to be, so please stop moving so slowly, or move off to the side. But, there are other things that really annoy me, and I’ll tell you what they are. I’ll also give advice on what YOU should do to stop it–because if you’re annoying me, you’re probably annoying others.
Not being able to accept you are wrong
I’m guilty of this; I’ll be honest, but I accept that I’m wrong for doing it. An argument turns sour when you can’t accept that you’re wrong. You want to make sure you’re correct with your evidence and own up to it when you’re wrong. “The pinnacle of ignorance is not being able to admit to your own mistakes,” says senior Gil Maruvada. It feels like you make it much more serious and personal then it has to be when you demonstrate no intellectual humility. Advice on how to stop this stubbornness? Actually listen to the person you are talking to. Simple as that.
Using unrelated or untrue points in an argument
Again another argumentative irritation is using unrelated or false points in an argument. Stop doing this. People who do this are out of things to say, or they switch the topic of the argument. It’s actually really rude when people do this. You’re willfully ignoring the point of an argument. Advice on how to stop this, don’t lie.
Talking over people
I have a severe dislike when people talk over me. Especially when they are dominating a conversation when I really want to say something. Please just close your mouth for one minute and let me say what I want to say. When people talk over, it does two things: makes the conversation very boring, and it actually makes it not even a conversation–it becomes a lecture. Advice on how to not make a conversation into a lecture? Stop, and listen to me, or whoever you’re talking to, then take your turn to respond. Easy as that.
Acting stuck up
My final maddening habit that people have is acting stuck up. You are not better than everyone else. Don’t act super disrespectful to teachers or adults. It’s just a major… ugh. I see these people, and I wish someone would humble them. Advice on how to stop this? Be humble, and respect people who are older than you.
If you do any of these habits, fix them. I know that sounds rude, but people do not think you are cool for being stuck up or not letting people speak. Ask the people around you if you do these annoying things about how you can stop. Anyways, if you have any other advice on how to not act rude, let us know in the comments.
Do you have something to ask us then Jack?
wowww Jackie, subtle