We welcome 8th-grader Jack Edelstein to The Bird on Fire stable of writers. This is Jack’s debut post.
By Jack Edelstein, 8th Grade
A New Year’s tradition many celebrate, but don’t necessarily fulfill, involves making resolutions. Typical resolutions involve vowing to work out or manage stress. A little history on New Year’s resolutions – according to History.com, “The ancient Babylonians are said to have been the first people to make New Year’s resolutions some 4,000 years ago. They were also the first to hold recorded celebrations in honor of the new year…”
Although we aren’t ancient Babylonians, PVS staff and students make New Year’s resolutions. I went around the school and interviewed different people to see the resolutions they set for themselves.
7th Grader, Moses Gizaw
I’ll see you there.
8th Grader, Jaden Ramer
Hard habit to break sometimes, I’ll admit.
Fellow Blogger and 8th Grader, Jackie Padgett
And to be honest, who does?
Freshman, Evan Wang
True statement.
Sophomore, Matteo Lam
Me too, me too.
Junior, Riley Jorgenson
I want a scholarship, too, Riley.
Senior, Arsh Rehman
I think the most relatable and greatest resolution by far.
Mr. Killeen, MUS Science
I wish you good luck toward your studies.
Big Coach Erenberg, Athletic Director
These are your PVS 2024 New Year’s Resolutions!
If you were wondering, my New Year’s resolution is to learn how to play guitar and walk my dog more. If you have any interesting or admirable resolutions let us know in the comments!
I make one, and only one, New Year’s resolution each and every year: drink more water. In order to accomplish this goal, any time somebody offers me something to drink, I always say yes and I always ask for water. This is the sixth year I have been doing this, and I am happy to say that I have kept this resolution all six years. Give it a try!
Great post Jack!