By way of introducing our 2023-24 staffers, let’s play “Name That Blogger!”
I asked our 2023 bloggers to write spatial autobiographies, detailing objects that define them (a prompt borrowed from Poets & Writers). Below, you’ll find excerpts from these spatial autobiographies; you guess which blogger belongs to which objects. (Hint: You might consider pulling from the vibrant-voiced pool of Indiana Behr, Oliver Martinez, Gil Maruvada, and Louisa Richardson.)
You can log your guesses in the Gil-created Name That Blogger quiz.
Blog Instructor Zachik
[A] Who’s That Blogger? _______________________________
In my room the lighting is horrible, this is because it is an old house which shows my ability to accept everyone no matter what age. I share the bedroom with my little sister with a little pink bunk bed situated on the left side of the room. I called the bottom bunk because I knew I would get to hang stuff up on the “ceiling” of it. Which demonstrates my ability to think ahead. What I didn’t think about is the fact that Morgan vomits when she’s nervous and she has thrown up on me twice this year. But that’s okay because it shows the fact that I am willing to learn from my mistakes, and choose the top bunk next time.
[B] Who’s This Blogger? _________________________________
When I think of an area with a large group of objects in my house, I think of my coffee setup. There’s lots of stuff, but a few of them make me think of several memories. My first coffee grinder was about $150 dollars, which for coffee grinders is not very much, and it doesn’t really give me the best results. I have several newer, nicer, models, and I really never use this one, and yet, I can’t sell it or get rid of it because of the attachment I have to it. I have a plastic Hario V60, which is a pour over device that costs less than $10. It was the first object of its kind I purchased, and its actually just as good as similar devices that cost hundreds of dollars and I still used it for years, until one day, I dropped it after brewing, and it cracked in two. I was able to purchase a new one that was identical, and it was still cheap, and yet still, it does not feel the same. Everytime I use it, I still miss the old one.
[C] And, Who’s This? ______________________________________
I walk around my house and see a bottle with germ killer spray and it reminds me of 3 years ago when we used it excessively to clean anything and everything that entered our house to protect ourselves from covid.
I also see a large clean green screen which was used to make movies last year for Mr. Griffin’s class. Reminds me of having to re-film a scene 20 times because Matteo didn’t like it.
I see a purple legacy edition LeBron James jersey which reminds me of the many Lakers games I have gone to.
I see a bookshelf with all The Diary of a Wimpy Kid books in order, which reminds me of going on long road trips and reading them along the way.
[D] And, Who Is This Blogger? _______________________________________
The books lining the shelves remind me of the stories that I’ve read, that I used to read, and ones that I haven’t yet finished. Every book has its own story, each one with different memories attached. How can the shelves bear the weight of so much thought? A small box that was used for holding cigars contains fossils and rocks, a gift in a curious container. You see the box was given to me by a man who used to smoke cigars in the house next door, the box boasts of holding 25 of them at one point. Fossils. A small model ship given to me by my grandparents sits on a shelf, the Mayflower. I was born in May, but I am not a flower, nor can I carry 135 people. A chessboard sits in the closet; I used to use it to play with my brother. It feels good to win. A telescope takes up a corner; it was a gift from a family friend who I met when I was little. Chance gave me the ability to meet him again almost a year ago. Sometimes chance is a curious creature; it has guided my life in many ways. People are born of chance, become students of chance, work for chance, and die by chance. Sometimes life is a curious creature. When you are at your lowest, you’ll never be there again. But, when you reach your highest point, you can’t live it again either. It might be best to just move forward.
Guess your blogger on the Gil-created quiz: Name That Blogger Quiz
My guess is in this order: