By Junior Alyna Rei
I have always had a love-hate relationship with grass. I love to lie down on the SOFT grass and have a picnic. But, I also hate how wet sharp grass makes my legs really itchy. I’ve had a couple of incidents with grass in elementary school that makes me hate sharp-bladed wet grass. Here are some of my unpleasantries from elementary school regarding the green beneath our feet.
3rd grade
In 3rd grade, it was required to do P.E. Before the class started, the students would have to sit on dots that were lying on the grass so the teacher could come and take attendance (this would take around 15-20 minutes). You would think that this sounds normal, but I had P.E. in the morning. In the morning, the sprinklers would go off. Not only did my clothes get wet from the grass, when I was sent off running, the wet grass would rub on my legs and make them really itchy and red.
4th grade
Since I moved up a grade, I did not have to do P.E. in wet grass anymore. But I had to do P.E. with really dry and hot grass. Running around in 115 degree weather was not great at all. Dry and hot grass feels like thumb tacks grazing your legs every time you move. My old school was lazy with their landscape, so the grass was long enough to scratch your calves.
5th grade
There was no more torturous P.E. for me. But a grass incident happened during recess. I was on the field with my friends. We were jogging slowly and just talking. I don’t know why, but when we were running, one of my friends happened to knock me down on the grass. My face, arms, and legs were exposed to the hot and dry grass. She apologized, but the only thing that mattered during that moment was how itchy my body was. At the end of the day my arms and legs were red and me being sweaty on a hot day made it a lot worse.
During the summer, I try to avoid grass since the hot air and dry grass really make my body react badly. I swell, itch, and turn red. My best remedy to get rid of these horrible reactions in elementary school was to expose the affected area to cold air (I don’t know why, but it worked). I am here to say that the days of me running in the sharp blades of grass are over. If I have to walk on this type of grass, I try to walk through it quickly. But, I would happily walk over anything besides grass.
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