If Alyna could go anywhere back in history, she’d go to the opulent Titanic . . . , only to helicopter out before any iceberg appeared on the scene.
By Junior Alyna Rei
There are many places in the world I would like to see. The places I would love to visit are pretty well known. Something I would like to experience is the Titanic before it sinks. I want to see the atmosphere and the feeling of the biggest ship on water. Obviously, I’d rather not see or live through the end of the Titanic and the ship sinking. I’m basing what I envision of the Titanic off of the 1997 film. It was that lavish movie that gave me the idea of writing this post.
Who do I want to see on the Titanic?
From the 1997 film of the Titanic, I would love to see Rose and Jack and how two opposites fall in love. (I am aware that they never existed). Another person I would love to meet is the captain. Hearing how the Titanic launched would be very fascinating to hear. Perhaps we could converse over a many-course dinner.
What would I like to see?
Just being on the ship would make me happy. One of the many things I would like to see are the two parties, the rich and the poor. I would like to experience both–whether that is a fancy dinner with royalty or an energetic dance party with hundreds of people, I would beg to see any of those scenes. Another iconic and popular setting I would love to see or rather stand on is the very front of the ship, the bow. I want to stand in that tiny space and see the dolphins and flowing water below me with the sunset in the distance.
Why the Titanic?
The Titanic was one of the most iconic creations on the planet. And to see how it was in the film makes me want to be there. I want to feel what the people felt boarding the ship. I want to taste the delicious food. I want to see the water and beautiful sunsets from the deck of this huge ship.
Since the Titanic is not with us right now, or at least above water, other places I would like to see are the cool museums that honor the Titanic and have the coolest facts about the ship. Some of these museums are in Springfield, Belfast, Southampton, etc. I believe those museums are the closest I will be to the Titanic.
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