You may have heard of Moldavite. It went viral on TikTok this summer and has been a hot commodity ever since. It costs a lot and has powerful effects. Should you invest in it?
By Jesse Denyer, Amateur Astrologist
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Today I’m going to be talking about one of the most famous crystals to ever exist, moldavite. Moldavite has always been pretty well known for its powers through the crystal community, but after going viral on TikTok this summer, everybody wanted a piece of it. When I worked at the crystal store at that time, I would be asked at least once a day, “Do you have any moldavite?” I would then have to escort them over to the locked glass case we had to keep it in, and after looking at the price tag and hearing my disclaimer, people always shied away from buying it. So, what’s special about this crystal? Why is it so expensive? Where does it come from? Read more to find out!
So what exactly is moldavite?
Moldavite is a greenish black crystal that is part of the Tektite family. Tektite is natural glass caused by debris from meteor impacts. Moldavite was most likely created over 15 million years ago by a meteor strike in Bohemia, Czech Republic, which is the only place moldavite can be found today.
Why is it so expensive?
Moldavite usually goes for anywhere from $400 to well over a couple thousand dollars. Moldavite is so expensive because it can only be found in one place on earth, and it is likely no more will ever form. One day it will go extinct, unless we somehow have another meteor strike. Also adding to the price is the fact that the biggest mine for moldavite in Bohemia recently flooded, making it even harder to obtain. Moldavite is very easy to recreate. You can find fake moldavite (for suckers) easily on Amazon and Etsy. If you google moldavite right now and see anything for sale under $400, I promise you that it is 100% fake. You have no idea how many people I had come into my work each week trying to sell us 60-oz. pieces of “moldavite” that were really just pieces of old melted green vases. Also be wary of anyone selling “African moldavite.” Moldavite is not found anywhere in Africa. You’re not getting a good deal on moldavite; you’re just getting a terrible deal on some Libyan desert glass. Don’t be a fool; if you want moldavite, buy it from somewhere that can verify its origin, and be prepared to pay a steep price.
What are its properties?
Moldavite is known as the “Stone of Transformation.” Its energies are known to be one of the most powerful of all crystals and should be used with caution. As I used to tell people, “It will turn your life upside down whether you like it or not.” It is meant to put your life on the right track and remove all negative sources of energy from your life. It will try to guide you to be the best version of yourself. However, this process is not for the faint of heart. It will split up relationships, remove opportunities, and make you feel like your life is being ruined–when really you are on a path to a better you. Sensitive people will have a hard time with this sort of turmoil. It happens immediately too, and as people tend to wear moldavite on their person, its effects are even stronger. Buy moldavite if you want, but I’ve seen it go two ways. One girl came in and bought a piece and came back a week later crying saying she suddenly felt the need to leave her boyfriend, she was fired from her job, and was now having to move to another state. Although that girl was just on her journey, the sudden change was too much for her to handle. Another guy came in with his supermodel wife, wearing five pieces of moldavite on his body, bought $3,000 in crystals, paid in cash, and explained to me how he meditated through his journey and came out the other side a millionaire living on a ranch in Wyoming, which was always his dream. Moldavite is all about whether or not you can handle the journey it will take you on.
So that’s it! I hope you learned a little something about moldavite, and proceed with caution if you are thinking of buying some off of Etsy for 20 bucks. Come back next week where I will be talking about Astrological sign compatibility!
Thanks for reading!
Jesse, your Amateur Astrologist and Crystal Nerd
I enjoyed very much your knowledge in crystal so far but this one about the moldavite.. I loved it. Thanks