By Jesse Denyer, Amateur Astrologist
Yes, I know what you’re thinking. Wasn’t it just Leo Season? I was unfortunately a bit late with the Leo blog due to there being no school until mid August, but I thought that Leo Season had such cool happenings that I just had to share. Nonetheless, Virgo season is now! It stretches from August 22 to September 22. Don’t know what the implications of Virgo Season are? Keep reading, and I will give you the low-down on what “Virgo season” means, as well as all the interesting celestial events going on above our heads this very second.
So what does Virgo season mean for you? Although it affects every sign differently, Virgo season has very distinct results. We come out of the gate in Leo season guns blazing. Main character energy everywhere. Look at me! Look at me! It’s a time to let loose and let your inner wild side show. And, although that is fun, all good things must come to an end. A little Leo season burn-out, if you will. We are then refreshed with the Virgo season. It’s a time to calm down, use some common sense, and get down to business. You will feel more grounded and settled. Decisions will come much easier to you, as you are now thinking with a clear mind. It’s a time to get yourself organized and back on track, which will reduce stress. It’s also a great time to purge unnecessary things (or people) from your life. If anything or anyone is holding you back, now is the time to let them go. So hunker down, and do what needs to be done because we have a double whammy coming up next season. Libra season will not only hinder your decision making, but Mercury will be in retrograde for the majority of the season, so say goodbye to whatever plans you thought you had. For now, make the most of this productive Virgo season.
Okay, now let’s talk about some cool events.
The Virgo Stellium
A stellium is the name used in Astrology to describe when three planets are in the same sign. Mars and Mercury were already in Virgo, and now the Sun joins them to create the Virgo Stellium. This will mean that the feelings of Virgo will be pretty extreme this year. We should be feeling an immediate shift in energy due to this. Keep in mind Mercury only changes signs about three times a year, and Mars only shifts signs every 2-3 years, making this a pretty rare and special occurrence.
Mutable Grand Cross
A mutable grand cross occurs when four planets are separated from each other by 90 degrees []. Currently the Sun, Neptune, and the Nodes of Destiny are in a mutable grand cross. What are the Nodes of Destiny? The nodes are points in space where the Moon’s orbit crosses the Earth’s Orbit around the Sun. These are called the Nodes of Destiny because they are known to have strong effects on your past, present, and future. This mutable grand cross will also aid you in letting go of the past, focusing on the present, and start planning for a bright future. Take this energy, and do with it what you will.
Full Moon in Aries
On Monday, September 20th, there will be a full moon in Aries. As an Aries this has me very excited. Although I was born under an Aries Sun and not a Moon, I am still very excited to see the Aries energy be spread around to everyone. I feel like this moon really compliments the Virgo energy, too. The Virgo energy will have you locked in and working hard towards a goal. But what goals do you have? The Aries full moon will be there at the end to help you answer this question. Under a full moon, we have access to both our conscious and subconscious mind, revealing clearly what we truly desire in this life. This is why it’s great to manifest during them. The Aries full moon will help you realize what you truly seek from this life. Aries rarely have an issue making a decision and seeing the full picture. The Aries Moon will help you make a decision for yourself. Find your life’s mission during this time. Dig deeper into yourself than you ever have before, and take the time to get to know and understand yourself better. Aries is the sign of the ram, so once you figure out what you need to do and can see clearer through your own eyes, take on the energy of the ram and go head first into your new endeavours, keeping that fire sign spirit with you along your journey.
So, that’s it for today! Next week I will finally be delving into the ever-so-interesting world of crystals and their energies. Until then I hope you enjoy what I like to call “Fall Cleaning.” Get down to business; organize your life, and keep an “out-with-the-old, in-with-the-new” attitude.
Thanks for reading!
Your Amateur Astrologist Jesse
Several people deeply cared for by me are Virgo. Thanks for your article!
I am a Libra and well balanced. My daughter is a Virgo. You were spot on. great article.