By Doreen Yuan
A Review of the Urban-Legend storytelling rules:
1. The comment section is part of the story. All comments are ordered by the number.
2. Comments that include a >> and a number (ex: >>1) are replies to the comment with that number.
3. Anonymous users in the comment section are part of the story. There are multiple anonymous accounts.
4. The main characters named No Longer Human and Curry are part of the story in the comments.
5. Readers can leave messages in the comment section but should not intentionally destroy or try to confuse the coherence of the story.
6. Readers can respond to any anonymous character interaction in the comment section–that response may change and contribute to the story.
7. Do not use inappropriate language.
8. The roles and anonymity in the comment section are created by the primary story author himself.
9. The time of all messages is based on the time of writing.
10. Have fun, and enjoy it.
Continued from Part I, posted on October 3 . . . . Note: The story is in the comments. Read them all.
Editor: James Zheng
49:Anonymous (17:22)
So there are less than three hours left?
… I’m not laughing anymore
50:Anonymous (17:23)
>>44 Mr. No Longer Human – now it’s time to be serious because the station you are about to arrive at is probably going to be the end of the line… and your life. If your time overlaps with our time, you will not be able to come out.
51:No Longer Human (22:36)
>>50 Yeah, but is that a big deal? There must be some kind of mistake here. There’s nothing in this train coach that can be used to commit suicide.
52:Anonymous (17:25)
>>51 You are really not taking this seriously, are you? Do you really understand how much danger you are in now?
53:Anonymous (17:26)
>>52 This dude is just never afraid of anything huh?
54:Anonymous (17:27)
>>53 How does such an optimist get into such a deadly situation? I’m so confused.
55:Anonymous (17:28)
>>51 Hold on; we should explain what is at the last station. We better do it quickly too…
56:Anonymous (17:29)
>>51 This is really bad. Can you tell us about your surroundings so we can figure out how far into the “legend” you are?
57:No Longer Human (22:30)
Well, I think I’m fine dying like this. But I can’t refuse if you guys are serious about this.
Right now, it’s dark outside the window and nothing can be seen. There’s a continuous murmur on the train’s loudspeaker. Sometimes it announces: “The next stop is Kisaragi station.” It sounds clearer than in previous times. When you guys were chatting about other things, I went to the front of the car and confirmed that the door of the cab can’t be opened. I tried smashing the glass, but that didn’t do anything. I even found a fire ax and tried to break the door; didn’t work. I’ve pretty much tried everything. I’m getting bored now.
By the way, is it feasible to hang yourself on the overhead rings?
58:Anonymous (17:32)
>>57 Ok, very strong “urban legend” vibes. And why does your mind always go to suicide?
59:Anonymous (17:33)
>>57 I just read all the blogs about Kisaragi station, and so I’ll try to help you get out of there… BTW, do you have a lighter and paper on you? Fire is one way to escape Kisaragi station.
60:No Longer Human (22:25)
>>59 I did have a match, but I don’t know where it went. Was it taken away by this magic station? The match was actually important to me. I’m a little angry now.
But at the same time, I feel so sleepy… It doesn’t matter if I sleep for a bit, right? The god of sleep finally comes to take his loans back…
61:Anonymous (17:35)
>>60 Don’t sleep! Don’t sleep!
62:Anonymous (17:35)
>>60 It’s not the god of sleep; it’s the devil of death! Please stay awake!
63:Curry (17:36)
Don’t sleep.
64:No Longer Human (22:24)
65:No Longer Human (22:23)
Something strange appeared on the other side of the coach.
66:No longer Human (22:23)
It looks like a white figure… It’s too far away to distinguish any details. I’ll go and have a look. If only it was just some lovely little lady ~
67:Anonymous (17:37)
>>66 Um, I don’t think it’s a cute little lady! Do you really need to walk right into danger?!
68:Anonymous (17:38)
I always thought that No Longer Human was very strong. His spirit is very strong. If I was in that situation, I would have a heart attack if I saw my own reflection.
69:Anonymous (17:38)
>>67 He has a fire ax, maybe he’ll be fine…?
70:Anonymous (17:39)
At least he seems to be awake right now.
71:Anonymous (17:39)
>>66 Be careful, Mr. No Longer Human! No matter who it is, don’t eat the food or water it gives you!
72:Anonymous (17:40)
So his first reaction to a spooky white figure is to approach it and say hi? No Longer Human’s IQ must be off the charts.
73:Anonymous (17:41)
>>72 If he is seeing things now, he has probably lost his mind already.
74:Anonymous (17:43)
Did the previous blogs about Kisaragi station ever mention that half of the train cars were painted weirdly?
75:Anonymous (17:45)
>>74 As far as I know, yes… People can see some of the cars out of their coach’s windows, but everyone says they saw different paint designs.
76:Anonymous (17:46)
>>75 Is that so? Maybe it’s a friend? Maybe, someone who entered Kisaragi station before?
77:Anonymous (17:47)
>>76 ehhh, that’s too convenient.
78:Curry (17:48)
I don’t think so.
79:Anonymous (17:48)
It’s been ten minutes. It’s been ten minutes since the world fell out of place. Are you ok?
80:Anonymous (17:49)
>>79 The last time No Longer human spoke was 17:36 our time.
81:Anonymous (17:49)
Mr. No Longer Human, don’t die, please. We all think you are annoying and toxic. And as hard as it is to admit, we hope you don’t mess this up.
>>>>>>>>>To be continued.
82: Josh Tyer (17:51)
Be careful Mr. No Longer Human! Listen to the others who have posted on this thread. It would be a really bad idea to eat or drink anything they give you in Kisaragi!
84:No Longer Human (17:52)
>>82 Thanks for the reminder. I’ll keep it in mind.(~OvO~)
83: White Tern (19:36)
Yeah, if you eat or drink anything maybe you won’t be able to escape. Pomegranate/food of the dead style.
85:No Longer Human (19:37)
>>83 Don’t worry, I will escape before I starve to death hahahaha