The English Department, Publications Club, and Blog Class sponsored the second annual Poetry Competition in the Middle and Upper Schools. Poems went to Dr. Carr. She passed them on to Round #1 judges, a gallery of Humanities teachers, who culled the nearly 60 poetic entries down to 12. Then, those 12 finalists went to final judge Mr. Sarkis who decided upon a 1st place, 2nd, 3rd, and Honorable Mention. Reprinted here is the 3rd-place poem, “23,” by Junior Benjamin Snyder. Note: all 12 finalists can be seen on the bulletin board in the Upper School Lobby.
By Benjamin Snyder
2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,
And then 8 comes in, and then 9,
Bumbling about, walks in, 10 strolls by
Cooly as it enters, 11 storms in
Angrily, though it’s unclear why, 12 is unrecognizable
As it enters, 13 tries
Not to be noticed,
Hugging the wall as it approaches, 15 misheard the receptionist,
And walked in early, 14, naturally, approaches
Confused and hesitant, 16 greatly appreciates
The opportunity,
But needs some more time before it decides
Whether or not to proceed, 17 sprints
And so does 18, thinking
It should, 19 took a wrong turn a couple of blocks ago
But should be here shortly and enter, 20 reluctantly walks
Through, 21 is just thrilled to be here
As it bounces in, 22 enters
From the back and thinks that it’s clever, and 23, seeing 22 leave, begins
To exit as well before it is called back to enter,
And is angered seeing 22 quietly gloating once it arrives.
And 24…
Is the most majestic thing that has ever entered…
But there’s no time to talk about that
Because it’s starting…
Right now.
And not a single one noticed 0 enter,
But it did,
Depending on your perspective.
Compiled by Editor Shelby Armor
Intensely abstract. Like the poet.