By Blogger Renée
As some of you samhainophobics may know, it is almost the dreaded day of your fears, Halloween. And how else should we honor this glorious day but with a glorious top 13 list! So here we are now to dive into the world of superstitions.
- If a black butterfly or moth lands on you (sometimes more specifically on your left shoulder), you will die in less than a year.
- During the New Year, wear red underwear for good luck and put new shiny coins with the heads side up on the windowsill.
- Trimming nails at night will bring you bad luck or in some cultures premature death.
- Complimenting a newborn baby will bring it bad luck; this is believed in several cultures.
- Never, ever, put shoes on a bed; this will bring death.
- Don’t sleep or go outside if it’s cold with wet hair; this will bring you a deathly pneumonia.
- To bring in good luck for the New Year, eat twelve grapes (one for each month) and make wishes on each of them; you must eat them in the first two minutes of the New Year.
- The numbers four, six, thirteen, fourteen, seventeen and six hundred sixty six are bad luck and can even signal death or the devil.
- Black cats bring bad luck. There are multiple superstitions about black cats being bad luck: if they lead you under a ladder, cross your path, put their back to you, look at you in the eyes, they will bring you terrible luck or death.
- Never wash a baby’s clothes at night. Bad spirits or the devil will come if you wash baby clothes or hang them out to dry at night.
- Whistling indoors brings the devil and general bad luck. Or death.
- You should tuck your thumbs into your fists when passing a cemetery to protect your parents.
- Don’t post a blog post about superstitions on Friday the 13th or 13 terrible things may happen…*
*Originally prepared on Friday the 13th.
Editor: Claire Jenkins
Last February I wore red underwear for Chinese New Year.
It has been a really great 2017.