As we continue to wrestle with terrorist attacks, the threat of terrorist attacks, refugees in desperate need of help and sanctuary, Bloggers Anna Kleckerova and Trey Lucatero wrestle with handling the turmoil humanely, responsibly, with fear and with courage.
This piece does not necessarily reflect the views of Palm Valley School or our fellow bloggers.–Anna Kleckerova and Trey Lucatero
Friday, November 13th, 2015 marks the most devastating day in French history within the last several decades. The first attack on Paris began just after 9:20 pm UTC. Several armed men began roaming the streets of Paris, opening fire on clubs, diners, and crowds of innocent people. They were calm and steadfast in their resolve. President Francois Hollande called the attacks an “act of war” by the Islamic State (The Washington Post). Radical cutthroats cowardly kill civilians from all over the world. They slaughter anyone who does not conform to their ideas. They kill those who stand in the way of their ideology. These terrorists wish to instill immense fear in the hearts of everyone. And, they’re succeeding. These men, women, and children who are stuck between the crossfire are forced to seek refuge in safer lands. Europe is currently overflowing with refugees from Syria, unable to support so many who cannot support themselves. Up to this point, America has done nothing in regards to helping the refugees escape their war-stricken home. The refugees want to come to a place where they can be safe and successful, without having to fear for their childrens’ lives. They have to travel thousands of kilometers every day for a chance at a better life. America should intervene and alleviate some of Europe’s weighty responsibility to the refugees. We cannot send these refugees back to their hell. It is our duty as humans to help them. Not every Muslim is a terrorist. That’s a fact we should all realize.
America and Europe have to stay strong together during this crisis. They can easily help each other to coordinate relief efforts to save these refugees. It is extremely important for Americans to take some of the refugees. If they don’t do so, the terrible consequences will be felt by both Europeans and Americans, and many others throughout the world.
Recently, several governors of various states have proclaimed that they will not, under any circumstances, accept Syrian refugees. They believe that allowing any refugees into our country will result in spontaneous terrorist attacks on our soil. People are afraid, and rightfully so. Yet, does our cowardice run so deep that we will turn down accepting innocent men, women, and children into our country? Closing our borders is exactly what the radical terrorists want. They want us, the once great and mighty America, to cower in fear of Islam, and we’re letting them do exactly that.
Closing our borders to these people would be against everything America stands for.
“Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”
The New Colossus — Emma Lazarus
These words are etched in stone on the Statue of Liberty. If we were to inhumanly deny these lost souls, we would be disgracing our legacy and dishonoring every value and ideal set forth by our founding fathers. We do not consider this as an acceptable thing to do. This is why we believe America must accept Syrian refugees.
–Edited by Chloe Sweeney
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