–by Zhenzhou Hu
“It was only that . . . light was all it needed and a certain cleanness and order.”–“A Clean, Well-Lighted Place,” Ernest Hemingway
As students enter our Blog Class, there is a daily battle: Lights on; Lights off. Amber and Trey like the dark and the calmness that descends with it. Chloe wants the classroom well lit with lots of light and all the productivity that comes with it. Zhenzhou Hu watched the daily ping ponging of “Lights on!” “Lights off!” and decided to follow up on the acrimonious issue. He asked fellow students and his teachers, “Which lighting do you prefer?” and “Which lighting is most conducive to learning?”
I once thought students always like to study in well lighted rooms, but then I realized students at Palm Valley are quite different. I interviewed several students and Math Teacher Ms. Emily McKee over the lighting they preferred.
Under what circumstances do you prefer darkness over light in your classrooms? And vice versa.
1. Chloe: “In the morning after cross country practice, I am feeling alert and energized. So I prefer a light classroom to start my day. By the time I reach math class, it catches up to me that I did not get a lot of sleep. I am tired so it is easier to focus in a darker environment. It is crucial that there is substantial natural light but fluorescent light is irritating.”
2. Ms. Mckee : “A dark classroom is only good if I need to use projection. Otherwise, I like a lighted classroom.”
3. Henry: “A light room is better. Because a lighted room gives a sense that the room will be bigger and not as crowded as dark room.”
4. Amber: “Every single circumstance is fine as long as the light is natural light instead of artificial light.”
5. Trey: “I always prefer dark because it is easier on my eyes.”
Which do you believe provides a better learning environment?
1. Chloe: “I think as long as a classroom is adequately lit in some fashion, it doesn’t really matter. It just needs to be light enough that you don’t fall asleep. Personally, I prefer natural light.”
2: Ms. McKee: “Definitely light room.”
3: Henry: “A lighted room makes the reading easier. I can read the book clearly. Since a light room psychologically enlarges the space, I feel more comfortable to do work in a lighted room.”
4. Amber: “Any environment without artificial light.”
5. Trey: “Dark room is a better environment for me to study . . . calmly.”
I love getting to hear others’ perspective on this topic!
If you like to hear others’ perspectives, will you accept them?
I prefer a classroom that is more dark than light, but there certainly has to be some light so you can see and not hide from others.
Any light that makes me look young and pretty.
You are so pretty.