By Middle-School Bloggers Mason Conway, Calum Webster, and Elizabeth Greenwood
Should we wear uniforms? Many schools, such as PVS, require strict attire. Most are private schools, but some public school students wear uniforms. It seems everybody’s got an opinion on whether we should switch back to no uniforms or keep them. Mason, Calum, and Elizabeth have something to say on that:
Mason says . . .
It can be a good idea to reinforce wearing uniforms as it could limit bullying and reduce distractions, but other people argue that it could limit creativity and make families struggle to buy more expensive uniform clothing. I personally believe that we should have no uniforms as in the morning I waste time trying to find my khaki shorts and my polo, which sometimes makes me late for school.
Calum says . . .
One point that Mason said is requiring uniforms can reduce bullying. I believe this is a fair point; everybody is wearing the same thing, so you can’t bully people on what they are wearing. On the other hand, you have to spend more money on uniforms, and most people are not going to wear them outside of school. In my opinion, I don’t think there should be uniforms, but there should be a dress code. First, a dress code lets people wear what they want. Choosing their own clothes will make kids feel more comfortable and relaxed during the day. They will also not have to go through the struggle of getting ready in the morning–looking for those lost khaki shorts and polos. I believe that it is easier to find my casual clothing in the morning than it is to find my uniform.
Elizabeth says . . .
Personally, I believe that uniforms should be mandatory because they create a sense of uniformity among students. One reason uniforms should be mandatory is that they help students focus on their work rather than on their appearance. And, while I slightly agree with Mason and Calum that uniforms might reduce bullying, without uniforms, students may be pressured into wearing certain clothes–which can have a negative effect on younger students because they are pressured into wearing expensive clothing. Another reason why uniforms should be mandatory is that uniforms are easier to find (way easier to find a pair shorts and a polo than putting a whole outfit together), and by wearing them it takes less time to get ready in the morning.
And, finally, Mr. Koehler says . . .
“The main reason for school uniforms is to create an inclusive and welcoming environment for students to thrive in.”
It seems school uniforms have some value. They create a sense of uniformity, reduce stress, and can make mornings easier (except for Mason). By wearing uniforms, students have more freedom to focus on their work and less on external distractions. Uniforms are not just for looks but are about inclusiveness.